Cheesy Spinach Parcels

Cheesy Spinach Parcels

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These melt in the mouth dainty cheese filled spinach parcels are cooked in garlic flavoured butter. Use whole spinach leaves that do not have any cracks because the cheese can ooze out of the leaves during cooking.

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Cheesy Spinach Parcels recipe - How to make Cheesy Spinach Parcels

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     4Serves 4.
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For the spinach parcels
12 large spinach (palak) leaves
1/2 cup processed cheese
freshly crushed black pepper (kalimirch) powder to taste

To be mixed into a garlic butter
1 tbsp melted butter
1 tsp grated garlic
    Main Procedure
  1. Using a pair of chapati tongs, immerse each spinach leaf in hot water for a few seconds.
  2. Refresh each leaf in ice-cold water and dry carefully on a cotton towel or
  3. Place the spinach leaves flat on a dry surface.
  4. Place 1 teaspoon of the cheese on one corner of the leaf and sprinkle some pepper over it.
  5. Roll the spinach leaf into a parcel, sealing the cheese securely in the leaf.
  6. Repeat with the remaining ingredients to make more spinach parcels.
  7. Thread them on 4 wooden skewers and barbeque on a medium flame over a charcoal or an electric barbeque. Drizzle with some of the garlic butter while they are being grilled and serve immediately.

RECIPE SOURCE : Sizzlers And BarbequesBuy this cookbook
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