Nutritional Facts of Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi, Calories in Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 1295 times

How many calories does one serving of Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi have?

One serving (220 grams) of Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi gives 324 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 125 calories, proteins account for 41 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 159 calories.  One serving of Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi provides about 16.2 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi recipe serves 5, 220 grams per serving.

324 calories for 1 serving of Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 31.4g, Protein 10.3g, Fat 17.7 g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi

See mushroom chana dal sabzi recipe | Maharashtrian style chana dal mushroom bhaji | mushroom chana dal curry |

Mushroom chana dal curry is a delightful fusion of earthy mushrooms and protein-rich chana dal, creating a hearty and flavorful dish. Learn how to make mushroom chana dal sabzi recipe | Maharashtrian style chana dal | mushroom bhaji | mushroom chana dal curry |

Mushroom chana dal sabzi is a protein-packed Maharashtrian sabzi that combines the earthy goodness of mushrooms with the wholesome lentils of chana dal. It's a flavorful and satisfying meal that's also kind to your health.

Chana dal is a rich source of fiber, aiding digestion and promoting gut health. Chana dal also provides essential vitamins and minerals like iron, folate, and potassium. Mushrooms add an umami depth to the dish, creating a savory and satisfying flavor profile.

Serve this versatile mushroom bhaji as a subzi with hot parathas.

pro tips to make mushroom chana dal sabzi: 1. Don't rush browning the onions. Take the time to caramelize them for a deeper, richer base flavor. 2. Don't limit yourself to button mushrooms. Experiment with different varieties of mushrooms for a textural and flavor variation. 3. Soaking the chana dal for at least 30 minutes ensures even cooking and a better texture. 4. A squeeze of lemon juice at the end of cooking can add a refreshing, tart note that cuts through the richness of the dish.

Is Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi healthy ?

Yes for some and no for others.

What's good?

Mushrooms : One cup of Mushrooms contain only 18 calories and is safe to be consumed by those who have excess weight, heart disease and high blood pressure. Mushrooms has a Glycemic Index of 15 which is very low and is diabetic friendly. The B-vitamins Thiamine (B1)Riboflavin (B2)Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6) and Folic acid (B9) which are present in good amounts in mushrooms are involved in various metabolic reactions in the body. See the detailed 8 benefits of mushrooms.

Chana Dal ( split bengal gram) : One cup of cooked Chana Dal provides 33% of your protein for the day. Chana dal is  heart and diabetic friendly, also rich in fiber. Chana dal has high amount of potassium and low amounts of sodium which makes it very effective in regulating your blood pressure. Read this article on the complete benefits of chana dal

Coconut : The fresh coconut has saturated fats but most of it is MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) which promote weight loss. The high fibre content of 13.6 gm (45.3% of RDA) along with high lauric acid content of coconut improves cholesterol levels in the body. Improving the action of insulin secretion and lowering the raised blood sugar levels is yet another benefit of coconut for Diabetics. See here for 10 amazing benefits of coconut.  

Onions (pyaz, kanda) :  Raw onions are a very valuable source of vitamin C – the immune building vitamin. Along with other phytonutrients from onions, it helps to build WBC (white blood cells) which serves as a line of defence against illness. Yes, it’s a source of many antioxidants, the most important one amongst them being Quercetin. The quercetin in Onions promotes production of HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers total cholesterol in the body. The sulphur in onions act as a blood thinner and prevents blood clotting too. This in turn would lower blood pressure and good for heart diabetics. Read the benefits of onions

Can diabetics, heart patients and overweight individuals have Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi   ?

Yes, Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi can be a healthy and delicious option for diabetics, heart patients, and overweight individuals with some modifications for a balanced approach. Here's why:

Potential Benefits:

  • Protein and Fiber Rich: This dish offers protein from chana dal (split chickpeas) and fiber from both mushrooms and lentils, promoting satiety and gut health.
  • Low in Fat: Traditionally, this sabzi uses minimal oil for cooking.

Drawbacks to Consider:

  • Carbohydrates: Chana dal contains carbohydrates, which can affect blood sugar levels for diabetics.
  • Sodium: Some recipes might be high in sodium due to added salt.

Tips for a Healthier Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi:

For All:

  • Oil Management:
    • Use minimal oil for cooking. Opt for heart-healthy options like olive oil or avocado oil.
    • Consider using a non-stick pan to further reduce oil requirement.
  • Spice It Up: Spices like turmeric and cumin offer potential health benefits and don't significantly affect blood sugar.

For Diabetics:

  • Portion Control: Enjoy this sabzi in moderation as part of a balanced meal and consider the carbohydrate content from chana dal when planning your meals.
  • Pair with Low-Glycemic Vegetables: Serve the sabzi with vegetables like spinach, broccoli, or cauliflower, which have a lower impact on blood sugar.

For Heart Patients:

  • Limit Saturated Fat: Avoid adding unhealthy fats like ghee or butter.
  • Sodium Watch: Be mindful of added sodium in the recipe. Explore low-sodium options for ingredients or use herbs for flavoring.

For Overweight Individuals:

  • Portion Control: Enjoy this sabzi in moderation as part of a balanced meal and be mindful of overall calorie intake.
  • Healthy Pairings: Combine the sabzi with complex carbohydrates like brown rice or whole wheat roti for a more filling meal.


With a few tweaks, Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi can be a healthy and satisfying dish for everyone. Here are some additional tips:

  • Lentil Choice: If available, consider using sprouted chana dal, which might have a slightly lower glycemic index compared to regular chana dal.
  • Explore Recipe Variations: Look for online resources that offer healthier versions of this dish, focusing on reduced oil and added vegetables.
  • Consult a Doctor/Dietitian: For personalized dietary advice specific to your health condition, consult a doctor or registered dietitian.

By making these adjustments, you can enjoy the delicious flavors of Mushroom Chana Dal Sabzi while keeping your health goals in mind.

Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy324 cal16%
Protein10.3 g19%
Carbohydrates31.4 g10%
Fiber7.9 g32%
Fat17.7 g27%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A325.3 mcg7%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.3 mg30%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.2 mg18%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)2.7 mg22%
Vitamin C15.2 mg38%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)78.7 mcg39%
Calcium93.8 mg16%
Iron3.7 mg18%
Magnesium63.3 mg18%
Phosphorus205 mg34%
Sodium36.3 mg2%
Potassium484.5 mg10%
Zinc1 mg10%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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