Nutritional Facts of Amritsari Paneer Bhurji Recipe, Calories in Amritsari Paneer Bhurji Recipe

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 426 times

How many calories does one serving of  Amritsari Paneer Bhurji Recipe have?

One serving (150 grams) of Amritsari Paneer Bhurji Recipe gives 329 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 48 calories, proteins account for 37 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 243 calories.  One serving of Amritsari Paneer Bhurji Recipe provides about 16.4 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Amritsari Paneer Bhurji Recipe serves 4, 150 grams per serving. 

329 calories for 1 serving of Amritsari Paneer Bhurji Recipe, Cholesterol 1.9 mg, Carbohydrates 12g, Protein 9.3g, Fat 27.1g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Amritsari Paneer Bhurji Recipe

See Amritsari paneer bhurji recipe | dhaba style paneer bhurji | paneer bhurji masala gravy |

Amritsari paneer bhurji recipe is a delectable North Indian dish known for its rich flavors and quick preparation. Learn how to make Amritsari paneer bhurji recipe | dhaba style paneer bhurji | paneer bhurji masala gravy |

dhaba style paneer bhurji is a delicious dish that features crumbled paneer (Indian cottage cheese) sautéed with a blend of aromatic spices and veggies. It's an absolutely melting in the mouth paneer dish that you can make even on a busy day.

Amritsari Paneer Bhurji recipe known for its blend of spices and super creamy and rich flavors. Serve hot with bread or paratha of your choice or as a filling for sandwiches, enjoying the burst of flavors characteristic of Amritsari cuisine.

Generally in the street, the gravy-based Bhurji is served with sandwich bread or pav bread. But it is not limited to it. I feel it tastes great with garlic naan, kulcha, or tandoori roti but it depends upon individual preferences.

pro tips to make amritsari paneer bhurji: 1. After adding paneer, do not overcook the sabzi otherwise it becomes rubbery. 2. Roasted besan and masala paste gives body to the paneer bhurji. 3. You can add a splash of milk for a rich and creamy texture to the dish.

Is Amritsari Paneer Bhurji healthy?

Yes, this is healthy for some and no to others. Let's see why.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

Paneer + Low Fat PaneerPaneer contains high quality protein and calcium which aids in weight loss. Since paneer is low in carbs and high in protein it gets digested slowly and hence good for diabetesPotassium in paneer helps to reduce the effect of high sodium, by lowering blood pressure and contraction of blood vessels, resulting in improved heart health and reduced risk of heart attack. Low fat paneer is has all the same nutrients as full-fat paneer, but it is minus the fat. Great for weight loss and read the interesting article on benefits of paneer.

Onions (pyaz, kanda) :  Raw onions are a very valuable source of vitamin C – the immune building vitamin. Along with other phytonutrients from onions, it helps to build WBC (white blood cells) which serves as a line of defence against illness. Yes, it’s a source of many antioxidants, the most important one amongst them being Quercetin. The quercetin in Onions promotes production of HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers total cholesterol in the body. The sulphur in onions act as a blood thinner and prevents blood clotting too. This in turn would lower blood pressure and good for heart diabetics. Read the benefits of onions

Tomatoes ( Cherry tomatoes, Yellow tomatoes ) : Tomatoes are extremely rich source of Lycopene. Tomatoes are a powerful antioxidant, super rich in Vitamin C, good for heart. Tomatoes are a Pregnant woman's friend and are rich in Folate or Folic Acid which helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells. Read about 13 amazing benefits of tomatoes.  

Ghee : Other than calories and fats, the only nutrients that ghee is rich in are the vitamins – all of which are fat-soluble. All the 3 vitamins (Vitamin AVitamin E and Vitamin K) are antioxidants which have a role in removing free radicals from the body and protecting our cell as well as help in maintaining skin health and glow. Ghee is an excellent, high-quality selection medium of cooking because of its high smoke point. As compared to most oils and butter, ghee can handle a smoke point of 230°C, 450°F, thus its less prone to oxidant and destruction of nutrients. Yes, ghee does contain cholesterol, but some amount of cholesterol is needed by the body. Cholesterol has some functions to play too. It is necessary for hormone production, brain function, cell health and lubricating the joints. It is, in reality, a high quality fat for the body and brain. Ghee is loaded with fats but that’s medium chain fatty acids (MCT) which aid in weight loss. Ghee is healthy for daibetics in small amounts. Learn to easily make your ghee at home which is free of preservatives. See benefits of ghee

What's the problem?

Fresh Cream : 1 tbsp of Amul fresh cream (15 gm) provides around 37 calories, out of which 34 calories are from fat (22 calories result from saturated fat), 2 calories from carbs and 1 calorie from protein. Till late, saturated fat was always looked upon as that evil fat which would lead to high cholesterol levels and strokes. Offhand, studies have revealed no such association. In fact, fats will keep you full for a long time and avoid bingeing and weight gain. However, the proportion of cream and the way you use them in cooking is of great importance to maintain your waistline. You can add about a tsp of fresh cream once in a while to your meals, especially coffee, to enhance the taste. Moreover, the use of cream cuts down on bitterness of the coffee, so you won’t add any sugar to your coffee. Addition of sugar will anyways cause more harm to your body. But, try not to add fresh cream in bulk frequently. Also remember that with any kind of diet to stay fit and healthy, you need to follow a good exercise plan on a daily basis. 

Can diabetics, heart patients and overweight individuals have Amritsari Paneer Bhurji?

Diabetics, heart patients, and overweight individuals can potentially enjoy Amritsari Paneer Bhurji, but with some modifications for a healthier approach. Here's a breakdown:

Amritsari Paneer Bhurji:

  • Positives: Made with paneer (protein), vegetables (fiber), and spices (potential health benefits).
  • Drawbacks: Traditionally uses oil for cooking, can be high in calories (depending on preparation), and might contain added sugars or unhealthy fats.

Modifications for a Healthier Version:

  • Oil: Reduce the amount of oil used for cooking. Consider healthier options like olive oil or peanut oil.
  • Protein: Opt for low-fat paneer to reduce saturated fat content.
  • Vegetables: Add more vegetables like onions, peppers, and tomatoes for extra fiber and nutrients.
  • Sugar: Avoid adding any additional sugar. The natural sweetness of tomatoes can suffice.
  • Cooking Method: Consider healthier cooking methods like grilling, air-frying, or using minimal oil for pan-frying.
  • Portion Control: Enjoy Amritsari Paneer Bhurji in moderation as part of a balanced meal. Pair it with whole grains like brown rice or roti for added fiber and complex carbohydrates.

For Diabetics:

  • Focus on portion control and monitor carbohydrate intake. Vegetables and paneer contribute carbohydrates, so factor that into your overall meal plan.
  • Consider using low-glycemic index vegetables like onions, peppers, and leafy greens.

For Heart Patients:

  • Limit saturated fat intake by using low-fat paneer and reducing oil.
  • Monitor sodium intake, as some recipes might use more salt. Explore low-sodium options for added ingredients.

For Overweight Individuals:

  • Focus on portion control and calorie intake.
  • Choose healthier cooking methods and ingredients to reduce overall calorie content.
Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy329 cal16%
Protein9.3 g17%
Carbohydrates12 g4%
Fiber1.3 g5%
Fat27.1 g41%
Cholesterol1.9 mg0%
Vitamin A449.9 mcg9%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.3 mg3%
Vitamin C11.5 mg29%
Vitamin E0.1 mg1%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)15.2 mcg8%
Calcium306.7 mg51%
Iron0.7 mg3%
Magnesium14.5 mg4%
Phosphorus193.7 mg32%
Sodium15.6 mg1%
Potassium117.4 mg2%
Zinc0.2 mg2%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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