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Ginger Lemon Drink, for Weight Loss, Detox, Anorexia
 on 05 Sep 24 03:44 PM

Suggestion you can drink it with a straw to prevent loosen your teeth enamel
Ginger Lemon Drink, for Weight Loss, Detox, Anorexia
 on 09 Oct 23 09:56 AM

Hi, My doctor was trying to encourage me to take blood pressure and cholesterol pills because both of my levels were high. But I refused to do so. Instead I did sone research and found an excellent recipe for Lemon ginger water which consisted off ; 4 tablespoons of grated peeled ginger 11/2 cup of squeezed lemon juice. Boil ginger in 1liter of for 5 minutes, then steep for 15 minutes. Then Strain ginger into large mason jar. Place in refrigerator to cool. Once cooled add the 1/4?cup of lemon juice to the ginger water Each time you have a glass of water add 3 tablespoons of the lemon ginger to the glass of water. Drink 6-8 glasses a day. Making sure you have a glass in the morning and before bedtime. Since February 2023 to present I went from 146 pounds to 120 pounds. My intentions were not to lose weight but to lowers my BP and cholesterol levels. after 4 months I noticed my cloth was getting too big for me, so I weight myself. Unbeknownst to me I had lost 16 pounds. Then I started weighing myself every day. I was losing 4 pounds per month. I was also walking an hour every morning long before drinking the ginger water and was not losing weight. I feel more energetic. I still eat the same foods but thd lemon ginger water really surpassed my graving for chocolate bars and other junk food.
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Tarla Dalal    Thank you so much for trying our recipe, it means a lot to us. Keep trying more recipes and sharing your feedback with us.
19 Oct 23 01:05 PM
Ginger Lemon Drink, for Weight Loss, Detox, Anorexia
 on 15 May 23 01:40 AM

I tried your recipe. But I added honey and cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. The lemon included the peel. The lemon peel added a nice flavour. All blended and it came out looking like ice cream. The honey gave it a really good taste. I made a week''s quantity. I take one tablespoon each time. It immediately cleared my chest tightness and heart palpitations that I had experienced for months prior. I intend to continue.
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Tarla Dalal    Desem : So nice to hear that. Thanks for the feedback and what you did with the recipe.
29 May 23 12:09 PM
Ginger Lemon Drink, for Weight Loss, Detox, Anorexia
 on 03 Dec 22 09:01 AM

It would be really nice if you could give us the measurements for the ginger juice and lemon juice
Ginger Lemon Drink, for Weight Loss, Detox, Anorexia
 on 11 Jul 22 11:43 PM

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Tarla Dalal    Thank you for the feedback. Please keep reviewing recipes and articles you love.
13 Jul 22 04:17 PM
Ginger Lemon Drink, for Weight Loss, Detox, Anorexia
 on 09 Jul 22 09:28 PM

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Tarla Dalal    Thank you for the feedback. Please keep reviewing recipes and articles you love.
11 Jul 22 04:55 PM
Ginger Lemon Drink, for Weight Loss, Detox, Anorexia
 on 13 May 22 02:27 AM

I have been adding ginger about 2 tablespoons and a half of lemon juice in my blender and blending it until it’s a liquid and straining it and then just drinking it straight it makes about 2 to 3 tablespoons and I’ve been drinking it every morning is that OK for weight loss
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Tarla Dalal    Thank you for your feedback. yes, you can have this combination. Kindly share your feedback on recipes and articles you like.
27 May 22 04:56 PM
Ginger Lemon Drink, for Weight Loss, Detox, Anorexia
 on 04 May 22 11:07 AM

Will drinking this mix help boost my metabolism and immune system? I workout 6 days a week and see no difference?
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Tarla Dalal    Yes, this detox drink helps boost immunity and prevents or fights diseases.
05 May 22 08:42 AM
Ginger Lemon Drink, for Weight Loss, Detox, Anorexia
 on 03 May 22 06:23 PM

Can I used citric acid instead of lemon
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Tarla Dalal    No, we do not recommend the use of citric acid.
05 May 22 08:41 AM
Ginger Lemon Drink, for Weight Loss, Detox, Anorexia
 on 20 Apr 22 03:00 AM

I just love the taste of it warm n delicious drink me 3 times a day 👍
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Tarla Dalal    Thank you for the feedback. Please keep reviewing recipes and articles you love.
21 Apr 22 09:00 AM
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