Nutritional Facts of Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji, Calories in Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 21836 times

How many calories does one Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji have?

One  Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji gives 104 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 35 calories, proteins account for 11 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 58 calories.  One Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji provides about 5.2 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji recipe makes 20 vadas.

104 calories for 1 vada of Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 8.8g, Protein 2.8g, Fat 6.4g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji.

See mirchi vada recipe | Indian stuffed mirchi bada | Rajasthani mirchi vada | mirchi bhajji | with 28 amazing images.

mirchi vada recipe | Indian stuffed mirchi bada | Rajasthani mirchi vada | mirchi bhajji is perfect to perk up your mood at snack time. Learn how to make Indian stuffed mirchi bada.

Here is a tongue-tickling fried snack, which will transform tea-time into a memorable experience, especially during the monsoon! Bhavnagari chillies, with their mildly-spicy flavour and juicy crispness, are stuffed with a mouth-watering potato mixture, dipped in a besan based batter, and deep-fried to a golden brown and presented in the form of Rajasthani mirchi vada.

While the very appearance of this Indian stuffed mirchi bada is appetizing, it lures you even deeper into its magic once you bite into it. It will take all your will-power to restrict your portion to a few vadas! But remember the deeper the green colour of the bhavnagri mirchi, the spicier they are. So buy them as per the spice level you enjoy.

Serve this popular mirchi bhajji with Dahiwali Pudina ki ChutneyKhajur Imli Ki Chutney or just Tomato Ketchup.

Tips to make mirchi vada recipe. 1. Make sure the besan batter is not very thick and not very thin. 2. Deep fry the mirchi vada on a medium flame for perfect so it cooks well. 3. Make sure you remove the seeds from the chillies or else it will be spicier in taste.

Is Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji healthy?

No, Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji is not healthy. Made from potatoes filling and the vada is deep fried which is a major problem.

What's the problem?

Potatoes (Aloo) :  Being high in simple carbohydrates they will lead to weight gain and are not good for people with diabetes, heart problem and obesity. See full details on why potatoes are bad for you.

Deep fried foods : This recipe is deep fried. Any food that is deep fried is not suitable for healthy living. Your fat levels increase as deep frying increases oil absorption. Also when you use the same oil again for deep frying then smoking point decreases which leads to the development of blue smoke which is not good for health. Processed food, Deep Fried Foods also increases inflammation in the body and shuts down the fat burning process. Most diseases from heart, to cardio vascular, diabetes, parkinsons, alzheimer, cancer and obesity result when the cells get inflamed and don't then function correctly. Inflammation in the arteries can cause heart attacks.

So your diet should contain foods that fight inflammation in the body. That's how your body gets healthier by eating the right stuff. So you have given the cells in your body the right food to stay healthy and that is so important in staying disease free for the rest of your life.  

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji?

No, Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji should not be had by all. The vada is deep fried and the bread is made from plain flour. Deep Fried Foods also increases inflammation in the body and shuts down the fat burning process. Most diseases from heart, to cardio vascular, diabetes, parkinsons, alzheimer, cancer and obesity result when the cells get inflamed and don't then function correctly. Inflammation in the arteries can cause heart attacks. So your diet should contain foods that fight inflammation in the body. That's how your body gets healthier by eating the right stuff. Stay away from this.

Can healthy individuals have Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji?

No, this is not healthy. Look at the quality of the food before you want to have a bite. The vada is deep fried. 

Please suggest a healthy snack option for Stuffed Mirchi Vada, Mirchi Bhajji.


We suggest to look at a non fried option. The snack should have some fibre, protein and complex carbs. Try our zunka recipe with a whole wheat bhakri or chana dal pancakes recipe as a healthy snack

Whole Wheat Bhakri

Whole Wheat Bhakri

Value per vada% Daily Values
Energy104 cal5%
Protein2.8 g5%
Carbohydrates8.8 g3%
Fiber2.9 g12%
Fat6.4 g10%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A108.7 mcg2%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.1 mg9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.5 mg4%
Vitamin C22.3 mg56%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)21.7 mcg11%
Calcium13 mg2%
Iron1.4 mg7%
Magnesium65 mg19%
Phosphorus51.5 mg9%
Sodium8.5 mg0%
Potassium99 mg2%
Zinc0.5 mg5%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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