Nutritional Facts of Soya Methi Masala Sabzi, Calories in Soya Methi Masala Sabzi

by Tarla Dalal
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Healthy Recipes
Healthy Heart Sabzi

How many calories does one serving of   Soya Methi Masala Sabzi have?

One serving (190 grams) of   Soya Methi Masala Sabzi gives 201 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 45 calories, proteins account for 37 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 118 calories.  One serving of   Soya Methi Masala Sabzi  provides about 10 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

soya methi masala sabzi recipe serves 5, 190 grams per serving.

201 calories for 1 serving of Soya Methi Masala, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 11.3g, Protein 9.2g, Fat 13.2 g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Soya Methi Masala.

See  soya methi masala recipe | soya green peas methi ki sabzi | healthy soy methi masala |

Soya methi masala recipe is a delicious vegetarian dish that can be prepared quickly and easily. Learn how to make soya methi masala recipe | soya green peas methi ki sabzi | healthy soy methi masala |

Soya green peas methi ki sabzi is a delightful dish that combines the earthy flavors of fenugreek leaves with the protein-rich goodness of soya chunks.

The soya methi masala recipe typically involves soaking soya chunks for a tender texture, followed by cooking them with onions, ginger, garlic, and a blend of warming spices. To elevate the richness, many recipes incorporate vibrant tomato pulp and a deep, caramelized brown onion paste for a richer texture and flavour.

Finally, simmer the soya green peas methi ki sabzi until the aromas meld and the soya chunks achieve perfect tenderness. This protein-packed delight pairs beautifully with rice, roti, or paratha.

You can also try other soya recipes like soya mutter keema recipe, soya malai korma recipe and Soya chunks masala recipe.

 pro tips to make soya methi masala recipe: 1. Don't skip soaking the soya chunks in hot salt water! Soaking plumps them up, removes any beany flavor, and ensures they cook evenly in the gravy. 2. For a richer gravy, you can add a splash of fresh cream to the recipe. This adds a creamy texture and subtle sweetness that complements well. 3. Use fresh fenugreek leaves for the best flavor. If using dried leaves, soak them in warm water for 10 minutes before chopping.

Is soya methi masala sabzi healthy?

Yes, this is healthy. Let's see why.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

benefits of soya granules, soya chunks. 

  • Soy granules are rich in vitamins, minerals, isoflavones and lecithin, nutrients proven to help lower cholesterol, prevent cancer and loss of bone mass.
  • Soy is strongly recommended for diabetics, expectant mothers, growing children, cardiac patients, weight-watchers and the aged.
  • A 100 percent vegetarian high quality protein source that does wonders for young and old.
  • Especially great for growing children, as it provides critical vitamins, minerals, fibre and protein.
  • Eating more high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and soy nuggets helps to lose weight.
  • Soy granules are one of the best non-fish sources of essential omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Soy protein may provide positive results for people with high blood pressure.
  • Soy protein is beneficial to women in post-menopausal years.
  • Soy is low in fat and sodium, and may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Methi leaves (fenugreek leaves) : Methi leaves are low in caloriepowerful antioxidant and cures mouth ulcers. Fenugreek leaves help in improving glucose and insulin responses, hence good for diabetics. The levels of cholesterol also reduced with intakes of fenugreek leaves. Rich in Vitamin K which is good for bone metabolism. They are good source of iron which is important for pregnant women as well as other individuals. Iron is a part of haemoglobin in the blood. A deficiency of iron may cause anaemia and that may decrease your work ability and make you fatigue easily. See all benefits of methi leaves here. 

Tomatoes ( Cherry tomatoes, Yellow tomatoes ) : Tomatoes are extremely rich source of Lycopene. Tomatoes are a powerful antioxidant, super rich in Vitamin C, good for heart. Tomatoes are a Pregnant woman's friend and are rich in Folate or Folic Acid which helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells. Read about 13 amazing benefits of tomatoes.  

Coconut Oil : Use coconut oil instead of processed seed oils like soyabean oil, canola, sunflower oil, corn oil and other omega-6 rich oils should be used in very low amounts.  Coconut oil is a medium chain triglycerides (MCT’s).  Unlike other fats, they go directly from the gut to the liver. From here, they are then used as a source of energy. As the calories in MCT’s are used straight away, they are less likely to be stored as fats in the body. MCT's have shown to improve your brain and memory function, they also give a boost to your energy levels and improve your endurance.  The MCT in Coconut oil reduces the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) while increasing the count of HDL cholesterol, maintaining normal blood pressure and good for diabetics. See detailed benefits of coconut oil

Can diabetics, heart patients and overweight individuals have soya methi masala ?

Yes, but cut the amount of oil used in the recipe. Use coconut oil instead of processed seed oils like soyabean oil, canola, sunflower oil, corn oil and other omega-6 rich oils should be used in very low amounts.  Coconut oil is a medium chain triglycerides (MCT’s).

Our thoughts,

Tips for a Healthier Soya Methi Masala:

  • Cooking Method: Opt for healthier methods like sauteing or simmering with minimal oil. Avoid deep-frying.
  • Less Oil: Use a moderate amount of healthy oil for cooking.
  • Limit Added Sugars: Explore using less sugar in the recipe or using natural sweetness from vegetables like onions or tomatoes.
  • Low-Sodium Options: Choose low-sodium soy sauce or other alternatives to reduce the sodium content.
  • Portion Control: Enjoy Soya Methi Masala as part of a balanced meal with whole grains or other healthy carbohydrates and vegetables.


Soya Methi Masala can be a delicious and nutritious dish packed with protein and fiber. By following these tips and making smart choices with the ingredients and preparation method, you can maximize its health benefits and enjoy it as part of a balanced diet.


Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy201 cal10%
Protein9.2 g17%
Carbohydrates11.3 g4%
Fiber4.6 g18%
Fat13.2 g20%
Cholesterol12 mg3%
Vitamin A625.4 mcg13%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.1 mg9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.5 mg4%
Vitamin C21.1 mg53%
Vitamin E0.2 mg1%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)21.6 mcg11%
Calcium108 mg18%
Iron3.8 mg18%
Magnesium18 mg5%
Phosphorus43.7 mg7%
Sodium52.5 mg3%
Potassium110.6 mg2%
Zinc0.1 mg1%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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