Nutritional Facts of Quick Soya Uttapam, Calories in Quick Soya Uttapam

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 22283 times

How many calories does one Mini Soya Uttapam have?

One Mini Soya Uttapam (30grams) gives xx calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 24 calories, proteins account for 8 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 10 calories. One Oats Palak and Sprouts Mini Uttapa provides about 2 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Soya Uttapam recipe makes 16 uttapams of 30 grams each.

See Soya Uttapam recipe | soy vegetable uttapam | Indian soy pancake | with 22 amazing images.

Soya uttapam is a nutritious and flavorful Indian breakfast dish that can be made quickly. Learn how to make soy vegetable uttapam.

Soya uttapam is a South Indian dish made with a batter of semolina, soya milk, vegetables, and spices. It is a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional uttapams, as it is a good source of protein and fibre.

Soya uttapam is a delicious and nutritious variation of the classic South Indian Onion tomato Uttapam.

Semolina always lends itself to quick dishes as it cooks easily. Here, it combines with protein-rich soya milk and a bouquet of other handy ingredients to make instant soya uttapam. You can add more value to this dish by tossing in a few more grated veggies if you find time.

Batter for Soy Uttapam

To make soya uttapam we will first make a batter. Combine the semolina and soya milk in a bowl and mix well. Keep aside for 10 minutes. Add the carrots, onions, tomatoes, coriander, green chillies and salt and mix well. Batter ready.

Cooking Soy Uttapam

Heat a mini uttapam pan and grease it lightly using little oil or a tava (griddle) and grease it lightly with oil. Pour a 1 tablespoon of the batter in each uttapam mould to make a 63. 5 mm (2. 5 ") or 75 mm. (3") diameter round. When cooked on one side, turn them over and cook on the other side using a little oil till golden brown. Repeat with the remaining batter to make more mini uttapams. Serve soya uttapam immediately with coconut chutney.

Pro tips for Soy Uttapam. 1. Add salt to taste. We added 1 tsp salt. It is best to taste the batter after adding the salt to determine if it is salty enough. 2. Pour a 1  tablespoon of the batter in each uttapa mould to make a 63.5 mm (2.5 ") or 75 mm. (3") diameter round. This depends on the size of the pan you have or pour a small spoonful of the batter on the tava and spread it to make a 75 mm. (3”) diameter circle. You can make 3 to 4 uttapam at a time. 3. Press down with a spatula while cooking the Soy Uttapam.

Is Soya Uttapam healthy?

Is Soya Uttapam healthy? It depends on your dietary needs and preferences. Rava (sooji) is a refined grain that is low in fiber and nutrients, but adding vegetables and soy milk can help to improve the nutritional value of the dish.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

 Soya milk, also known as soy milk, is a popular plant-based alternative to cow's milk. Lactose-Free: Soya milk is naturally lactose-free, making it an excellent choice for individuals who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Low in Saturated Fat: Soya milk is typically low in saturated fat, which can be beneficial for heart health. Cholesterol-Free: Soya milk is naturally cholesterol-free, which can be advantageous for heart health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Onions (pyaz, kanda) :  Raw onions are a very valuable source of vitamin C – the immune building vitamin. Along with other phytonutrients from onions, it helps to build WBC (white blood cells) which serves as a line of defence against illness. Yes, it’s a source of many antioxidants, the most important one amongst them being Quercetin. The quercetin in Onions promotes production of HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers total cholesterol in the body. The sulphur in onions act as a blood thinner and prevents blood clotting too. This in turn would lower blood pressure and good for heart diabetics. Read the benefits of onions

Tomatoes ( Cherry tomatoes, Yellow tomatoes ) : Tomatoes are extremely rich source of Lycopene. Tomatoes are a powerful antioxidant, super rich in Vitamin C, good for heart. Tomatoes are a Pregnant woman's friend and are rich in Folate or Folic Acid which helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells. Read about 13 amazing benefits of tomatoes.  

Carrots (gajjar) : Carrots have the nutrient Beta Carotene which is a form of Vitamin A, helps prevent deterioration of the eye as one gets older and prevents night blindness. Carrot is great for the eyes.They relieve constipation, lower blood pressure, have fibre and lower cholesterol. Read the 11 super benefiits of carrots and why to include them in your daily diet.

What's the problem?

Rava (semolina, sooji) :  What's good? Semolina is a fairly good source of Magnesium and phosphorus which is necessary to keep our nervous system healthy and working. But once again, it’s minus the fibre which is also one of the important nutrients to maintain healthy heart. So don’t opt for just the plain rava upma… instead toss in some sprouts or veggies and limit the amount of salt used and then add it occasionally to your meals. What's the issue? Fibre is one key nutrient for weight loss and semolina is devoid of it. Semolina is not suitable for diabetics. For details read is sooji healthy?

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have  Mini Soya Uttapam ?

No. Fibre is one key nutrient for weight loss and semolina is devoid of it. Semolina is not suitable for diabetics.

Can healthy individuals have  Mini Soya Uttapam ?

Yes, but in limited quantity.

What's a healthy uttapam option ?

moong dal uttapam recipe | moong dal chilla | healthy moong dal uttapam with green peas and carrots | protein, vitamin B1, folic acid rich moong dal uttapam |  The fibre (4.1 g in ¼ cup) present in yellow moong dal for moong dal uttapam prevents the deposition of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries which promotes a healthy heart in turn and good for diabetics.

moong dal uttapam recipe | moong dal chilla | healthy moong dal uttapam with green peas and carrots | protein, vitamin B1, folic acid rich moong dal uttapam |

moong dal uttapam recipe | moong dal chilla | healthy moong dal uttapam with green peas and carrots | protein, vitamin B1, folic acid rich moong dal uttapam |

Value per mini uttapam% Daily Values
Energy40 cal2%
Protein1 g2%
Carbohydrates7.4 g2%
Fiber0.2 g1%
Fat0.7 g1%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A75.2 mcg2%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0 mg0%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.2 mg2%
Vitamin C2.7 mg7%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)8.5 mcg4%
Calcium7.6 mg1%
Iron0.2 mg1%
Magnesium6.5 mg2%
Phosphorus19.8 mg3%
Sodium3.3 mg0%
Potassium22.1 mg0%
Zinc0.1 mg1%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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