Nutritional Facts of Oats Murrukku, Baked, Calories in Oats Murrukku, Baked

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 473 times

How many calories does one Oats Murrukku have?

One Oats Murrukku (8 grams) has 29 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 20 calories, proteins account for 4 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 6 calories.  One Oats Murrukku provides about 1.5 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

29 calories for 1 murukku of Oats Murrukku, Baked, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 4.7g, Protein 1.1g, Fat 0.7g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Oats Murrukku, Baked.

See Oats Murrukku recipe

Is Oats Murrukku healthy?

Yes, this is healthy.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

1. Whole Wheat flour : Whole wheat flour is excellent for diabetics as they will not shoot up your blood sugar levels as they are a low GI food.  Whole wheat flour is rich in Phosphorus which is a major mineral which works closely with calcium to build our bones. Vitamin B9 helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially increase red blood cells. See detailed benefits of whole wheat flour and why it's good for you.

2. Oats : Oats are a great source of protein for Vegetarians. It is rich in soluble fibre (to make it good for diabetics), which helps lower blood LDL cholesterol, the so-called "Bad" cholesterol. Whole Oats have an antioxidant called Avenanthramide (a polyphenol from oats) which helps lower blood pressure levels. Soluble fibre absorbs water and swells and to become gel like substance which helps in the absorption of nutrients like B Vitamins and minerals like Magnesium and Zinc which are key to a good heart. See here why oats are good for you?

3. Chana Dal ( split bengal gram) : One cup of cooked Chana Dal provides 33% of your protein for the day. Chana dal is  heart and diabetic friendly, also rich in fiber. Chana dal has high amount of potassium and low amount of sodium which makes it very effective in regulating your blood pressure. Read this article on complete benefits of chana dal

4. Coconut Oil : Use coconut oil instead of processed seed oils like soyabean oil, canola, sunflower oil, corn oil and other omega-6 rich oils should be used in very low amounts.  Coconut oil is a medium chain triglycerides (MCT’s).  Unlike other fats, they go directly from the gut to the liver. From here, they are then used as a source of energy. As the calories in MCT’s are used straight away, they are less likely to be stored as fats in the body. MCT's have shown to improve your brain and memory function, they also give a boost to your energy levels and improve your endurance.  The MCT in Coconut oil reduces the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) while increasing the count of HDL cholesterol, maintaining normal blood pressure and good for diabetics. See detailed benefits of coconut oil

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have Oats Murrukku ?

Yes. Use coconut oil instead of processed seed oils like soyabean oil, canola, sunflower oil, corn oil and other omega-6 rich oils should be used in very low amounts.

Can healthy individuals have Oats Murrukku ?

Yes, this recipe is good. 

Value per murukku% Daily Values
Energy29 cal1%
Protein1.1 g2%
Carbohydrates4.7 g2%
Fiber1 g4%
Fat0.7 g1%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A4.5 mcg0%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0 mg0%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.2 mg2%
Vitamin C0.4 mg1%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)5.3 mcg3%
Calcium9.2 mg2%
Iron0.3 mg1%
Magnesium12.5 mg4%
Phosphorus26.8 mg4%
Sodium1.8 mg0%
Potassium34 mg1%
Zinc0.3 mg3%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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