Nutritional Facts of Grilled Paneer, Calories in Grilled Paneer

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 8373 times

How many calories does one serving of   Grilled Paneer have?

One Grilled Paneer gives 72 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 4 calories, proteins account for 8 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 60 calories.  One serving of   Grilled Paneer provides about 3.6 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Grilled Paneer recipe makes 16 pieces.

72 calories for 1 serving of Grilled Paneer, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 1.3g, Protein 2g, Fat 6.6g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Grilled Paneer.

grilled paneer recipe | Indian grilled cottage cheese | grilled paneer on grill pan | with 24 amazing images.

In this yummy preparation, succulent cottage cheese is grilled with tongue-tickling chatpata masalas. Learn how to make grilled paneer recipe | Indian grilled cottage cheese | grilled paneer on grill pan |

The crisp and soft texture of the grilled paneer served with green chutney and onion rings makes the grilled paneer an amazing preparation. It is very similar to tandoori paneer but this grilled paneer on grill panquicker version which can be served as a  starter or used as part of sizzlers

The more you marinate the paneer slices, the flavours will get more intense. However they don’t take much time to cook and those charred grill marks will sure be a hit in any party or get togethers!

Is Grilled Paneer healthy?

Yes, this is healthy. But conditions apply.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

Paneer + Low Fat PaneerPaneer contains high quality protein and calcium which aids in weight loss. Since paneer is low in carbs and high in protein it gets digested slowly and hence good for diabetesPotassium in paneer helps to reduce the effect of high sodium, by lowering blood pressure and contraction of blood vessels, resulting in improved heart health and reduced risk of heart attack. Low fat paneer is has all the same nutrients as full-fat paneer, but it is minus the fat. Great for weight loss and read the interesting article on benefits of paneer.

Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Olive oil : Olive oil is a strong antioxidant and good for heart. Also it has anti inflammation properties. This is one of the healthiest oil you can opt for. It has around 77% of MUFA. Olive oil, especially the extra virgin olive oil, is unrefined oil in its natural state and free of chemicals. Moreover, olive oil also possesses polyphenols – a type of antioxidant which protects body cells and maintains heart health as well. Popular in Mediterranean cooking, this oil works best for salad dressings or quick sautéing recipes. They cannot be used for prolonged cooking at high temperatures. Note that it's fat at the end of the day so don't consume too much. Read the super article of  which oil is the healthiest, avoid vegetable oil

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have grilled paneer ?

Yes, this recipe is good for diabetics, heart and weight loss but make some small changes.

1. Use low fat paneer.

2. Cut the amount of oil used in the recipe.

Value per piece% Daily Values
Energy72 cal4%
Protein2 g4%
Carbohydrates1.3 g0%
Fiber0 g0%
Fat6.6 g10%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A54.9 mcg1%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0 mg0%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0 mg0%
Vitamin C0.6 mg2%
Vitamin E0.4 mg3%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)0 mcg0%
Calcium72.4 mg12%
Iron0 mg0%
Magnesium0.2 mg0%
Phosphorus41.7 mg7%
Sodium0.1 mg0%
Potassium2.4 mg0%
Zinc0 mg0%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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