Nutritional Facts of Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli, Healthy Moong Dal Idlis, Calories in Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli, Healthy Moong Dal Idlis

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 9538 times

How many calories does one Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli have?

One Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli (35 grams) gives 43 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 30 calories, proteins account for 12 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 2 calories.  One Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli provides about 2 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

43 calories for 1 idli of Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli, Healthy Moong Dal Idlis, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 7.5g, Protein 3g, Fat 0.2g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli, Healthy Moong Dal Idlis.

See Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli recipe | split green gram idli | healthy green moong dal vegetable idli | with 35 amazing images.

green moong dal vegetable idli is good for diabetics, heart, weight loss, pregnancy and almost everyone. Learn to make split green gram idli.

Popular South Indian Snacks like idli and dosa are extremely tasty and nutritious, but often not suitable for those with high blood sugar because they are made predominantly with rice so we came up with lots of trials to give you a no rice healthy green moong dal vegetable idli.

green moong dal vegetable idli is a diabetic-friendly version of idli that replaces rice with wholesome moong dal. Adding veggies to the batter improves the nutrient-quotient as well as flavour and texture of the idlis. 

Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli are rich in Vitamin B, Folic Acid, Phosphorus, Protein, Fiber. A serving size should be 3 Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idlis.

Relish this mouth-watering Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli right off the steamer, with sizzling hot Sambhar.

Pro tips for green moong dal vegetable idli  1. Just before steaming add 1 tsp fruit salt. This will make the idli fluff up.  2. Mix batter gently till all the white froth is mixed evenly into the batter. Over mixing will make your idli flat. 3. Cool idlis and demould with a spoon. If you try to take the idlis out when hot they will break. 4. The green moong dal vegetable idlis are perfect to pack in an airtight container for Indian tiffin lunch box or kids tiffin box.  5. You can prepare the green moong dal vegetable idlis in the morning and serve later in the evening. Just steam the idlis for 5 minutes in an idli steamer and serve hot. 

Is Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli Healthy?

Yes, this is healthy. Made from moong dal, vegetables, urad dal and methi.

What's good.

Moong Dal ( Green Moong Dal ) : Moong dal or green moong dal  is rich in Folate, Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid which helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially  red blood cells and is pregnancy friendly. Being rich in Antioxidants like Flavonoids, mung reduces the damage done by free radicals to the blood vessels and lowers inflammation. Moong Dal is heart and diabetes friendly. Moong Dal or Split Green Gram are high in Fibre and 1 cup of cooked Moong dal gives 28.52% of your daily Fibre requirements. See here for 9 fabulous benefits of Moong Dal.

Urad Dal : 1 cup of cooked urad dal gives 69.30% of your daily requirement  of folic acid. The folic acid in urad dal helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells. Being rich in Phosphorus it works with Calcium to build our bones. It is also high in fibre and good for heart, good for lowering cholesterol and good for diabetes. See here for 10 super benefits of urad dal

Cabbage ( Patta Gobhi + Red Cabbage, Purple cabbage) : Cabbage is low in caloriesrelieves constipation, good for diabetics. Cabbage has high levels of flavonoids and anthocyanins and has long been used as a herbal medicine. Rich in Antioxidants in turn lowers the risk of infection and inflammation of the body due to eating processed foods. Red cabbage also called purple cabbage has slightly high levels of flavonoids and anthocyanins than green cabbage and has long been used as a herbal medicine. It has same health benefits to offer as the cabbage otherwise. See here all benefits of cabbage

Carrots (gajjar) : Carrots have the nutrient Beta Carotene which is a form of Vitamin A, helps prevent deterioration of the eye as one gets older and prevents night blindness. Carrot is great for the eyes.They relieve constipation, lower blood pressure, have fibre and lower cholesterol. Read the 11 super benefiits of carrots and why to include in your daily diet.

Fenugreek Seeds (Methi Seeds) : 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds soaked overnight and consumed early in the morning on an empty stomach is a remarkable cure to control blood sugar levels for diabetics. Fenugreek seeds have been known to benefit the heart by way of reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. Fenugreek seeds have long been suggested to enhance breast milk production to lactating mums. A teaspoon of fenugreek seeds swallowed with half glass water is also a very well-known home remedy for diarrhoea. See detailed benefits of fenugreek seeds methi seeds.

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have  Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli ?

Yes, this is a super healthy recipe made with ZERO rice. Perfect for pregnant women also. 

Moong Dal is heart and diabetes friendly. Moong Dal or Split Green Gram are high in Fibre and 1 cup of cooked Moong dal gives 28.52% of your daily Fibre requirements.

Can healthy individuals have Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli?

Yes, a perfect healthy snack or healthy breakfast to have. 

What is a healthy accompaniment to this idli?

Serve it with a healthy sambar or coconut chutney

Coconut Chutney
Coconut Chutney

Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli is rich in below macronutrients, vitamins and minerals given in descending order (highest to lowest). 

A serving size should be 3 Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idlis.

  1. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) : Vitamin B1 protects nerves, helps in carbohydrate metabolism, prevents heart diseases and helps produce red blood cells. 30% of RDA.
  2. Folic Acid (Vitamin B9): Folic acid is an essential vitamin required throughout pregnancy. Folic acid rich Indian foods (kabuli chana, chana dal, yellow moong dal, urad dal, tooval dal, til ) 27% of RDA.
  3. Phosphorus Phosphorus works closely with calcium to build bones. 27% of RDA.
  4. Protein : Protein is required for the managing the wear and tear of all cells of the body. Have protein rich Indian foods like paneer, curd, Greek yoghurt, tofu, almonds, sprouts, chana, rajma, chick peas, quinoa, buckwheat ). 15% of RDA.
  5. Fiber : Dietary fiber reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent the spike in blood sugar levels and hence super for diabetics. Consume more fruits, vegetables, moong, oats, matki, whole grains. 15% of RDA.


How to burn 43 calories that come from Green Moong Dal and Vegetable Idli?

Walking (6 kmph) = 13 mins

Running (11 kmph) = 4 mins

Cycling (30 kmph) = 6 mins       

Swimming (2 kmph) = 7 mins

Note: These values are approximate and calorie burning differs in each individual.


Value per idli% Daily Values
Energy43 cal2%
Protein3 g5%
Carbohydrates7.5 g2%
Fiber1.2 g5%
Fat0.2 g0%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A44.6 mcg1%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.3 mg3%
Vitamin C1.5 mg4%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)17.4 mcg9%
Calcium12.7 mg2%
Iron0.5 mg2%
Magnesium15.6 mg4%
Phosphorus54.8 mg9%
Sodium4.3 mg0%
Potassium135.4 mg3%
Zinc0.4 mg4%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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