Nutritional Facts of Eggless Condensed Milk Cookies, Calories in Eggless Condensed Milk Cookies

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 4459 times

How many calories does one  Eggless Condensed Milk Cookie have?

One  Eggless Condensed Milk Cookie gives 87 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 34 calories, proteins account for 6 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 46 calories.  One  Condensed Milk Cookie provides about 4.3 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Eggless Condensed Milk Cookie recipe makes 24 cookies.

87 calories for 1 cookie of Condensed Milk Cookies, Cholesterol 13.3 mg, Carbohydrates 8.6g, Protein 1.5g, Fat 5.2g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Condensed Milk Cookies.

See eggless condensed milk cookies recipe | Indian style condensed milk cookies | milkmaid butter cookies | with 22 amazing images.

 eggless condensed milk cookies recipe is a simple and quick cookies recipe that requires few ingredients and very little effort! Learn how to make eggless condensed milk cookies recipe | Indian style condensed milk cookies | milkmaid butter cookies |

A delicious Indian style condensed milk cookies has a rich and intense flavour of milk! Milkmaid butter cookies are made using a basic and minimal ingredients, making it a perfect treat to prepare any time you are in a good mood!

These condensed milk biscuits (cookies) are thick, soft, chewy, and flavoured with condensed milk. They are crisp on the edges, slightly chewier in the center and really delicious.

pro tips to make condensed milk cookie: 1. Use room temperature ingredients for best results. 2. Don't overmix the dough, or the cookies will be tough. 3. Let the cookies cool completely before storing them, this will help them keep their chewy texture.    

Is Eggless Condensed Milk Cookie healthy?

No, this is not healthy. Let's see why. This is a cheat dessert to have.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

1. Butter : Butter contains 80% fats and it comprises of many types of fatty acids. Butter has short chain fatty acids and medium chain fatty acids which are broken down and absorbed into the body directly and go straight to the liver and get converted to fuel to be used by the muscles. Due to this anti-inflammatory effect, it is said to have a positive effect in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Recent research shows that small amounts of butter has positive effects on heart health. So diabetics too can have small quantity of butter and balance it with other types of fats they consume. A tbsp. of butter fulfils 8% of your days requirement of vitamin A. This Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant which is essential for glowing skin health and immune function. We suggest you read about butter the super food.

What's the problem ?

Plain flour (maida) : This recipe uses plain flour or maida which is refined carb not suitable for a healthy lifestyle. Maida consumption in any food should be totally avoided or used in very small quantities as any consumption of this will cause a larger spike in blood sugar levels which is not good for diabeticsheart patientsThe development of prediabetes comes from uncontrolled eating sugar and refined food products for many years and the classic symptom is if you have excess belly fat. This leads to diabetes and further onwards to heart attack, high blood pressure, strokes, impotence and kidney damage.  Reading is maida good for you to understand fully.

Sugar  (castor sugar ): Sugar used in the recipe is also called white poison. It is a simple carbohydrate with zero nutritional value. On intake, sugar will cause inflammation of the body which will last for many hours. It will spike your blood sugar level and shut down the fat burning process. This also causes high blood sugar levels in your body. The development of prediabetes comes from uncontrolled eating sugar and refined food products for many years and the classic symptom is if you have excess belly fat. This leads to diabetes and further onwards to heart attack, high blood pressure, strokes, impotence and kidney damage. 

Condensed Milk, Sweetened Condensed MilkCondensed Milk – itself is very high in energy (513 calories from ½ cup). That’s a lot! This is of most concern especially when most of it is because of the added sugar, which does not offer any benefit in reality. So weight watchers and those suffering from diabetes and heart disease as well as those aiming a healthy lifestyle need to definitely stay steer of this ingredient, though rich in taste. Condensed milk is a dairy product, so it is a concentrated source of protein and calcium, which are necessary to build strong bones. It does provide some B vitamins and potassium also. So condensed milk should be the preferred choice over plain sugar. Read is condensed milk healthy?

Can diabetics, heart patients and overweight individuals have Eggless Condensed Milk Cookie ?

No, this recipe is not good for diabetics, heart and weight loss. 

Sugar used in the recipe is also called white poison. It is a simple carbohydrate with zero nutritional value. On intake, sugar will cause inflammation of the body which will last for many hours. The development of prediabetes comes from uncontrolled eating sugar and refined food products for many years and the classic symptom is if you have excess belly fat. This leads to diabetes and further onwards to heart attack, high blood pressure, strokes, impotence and kidney damage. To live a healthy life, try and cut sugar which from your diet. It requires a slow and deliberate attempt to do it. Find hidden sugar in packaged foods and drinks and stop having those products.


Value per cookie% Daily Values
Energy87 cal4%
Protein1.5 g3%
Carbohydrates8.6 g3%
Fiber0 g0%
Fat5.2 g8%
Cholesterol13.3 mg3%
Vitamin A207.4 mcg4%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0 mg0%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.2 mg2%
Vitamin C0.2 mg0%
Vitamin E0.1 mg1%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)0.4 mcg0%
Calcium30.8 mg5%
Iron0.2 mg1%
Magnesium3.7 mg1%
Phosphorus26.2 mg4%
Sodium57.7 mg3%
Potassium22.5 mg0%
Zinc0.1 mg1%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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