Nutritional Facts of Dalimbi Usal, Val Usal, Maharashtrian Vaal, Calories in Dalimbi Usal, Val Usal, Maharashtrian Vaal

by Tarla Dalal
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How many calories does one serving of Dalimbi Usal have?

One serving of Dalimbi Usal gives 288 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 193 calories, proteins account for 65 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 39 calories.  One serving of Dalimbi Usal provides about 14 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

288 calories for 1 serving of Dalimbi Usal, Val Usal, Maharashtrian Vaal, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 48.3g, Protein 16.3g, Fat 4.3g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Dalimbi Usal, Val Usal, Maharashtrian Vaal.

See dalimbi usal recipe | val usal | Maharashtrain usal | healthy usal | with 52 amazing images.

Here is a tongue-tickler Maharashtrain usal from the Marathi culinary files! Learn how to make dalimbi usal recipe | val usal | Maharashtrain usal | healthy usal. |

dalimbi usal, a traditional accompaniment to rice and rotis is made by cooking field beans with a traditional tempering, tangy kokum and everyday spices.

Jaggery creates a nice sweet and sour effect, while other ingredients like ginger, onions and coriander add their peppy touch to this Maharashtrian vaal preparation. You will notice that this dish uses a lot of coriander, and not just a sprinkling of it. This is essential to improve the aroma and flavour of the vaal usal.

Serve along with Chawal Bhakri, Methiche Varan, Dodkyacha Bhaat and Shrikhand for a lip smacking and delicious meal.

Tips to make dalimbi usal: 1. Serve Maharashtrian usal with jowar bhakri. 2. Serve vaal ki usal with rice. 3 .You can add chilli powder instead of Malvani masala. You can use store brought Malavani masala.

Is Dalimbi Usal healthy?

Yes, this is healthy. But conditions apply to some. 

Lets understand the ingredients of val usal.

What's good in this val usal recipes!

Vaal, field beans, butter beans : Vaal is a storehouse of protein and fibre. The duo of these nutrients makes you feel full for longer, helping cut unnecessary food intake and weight gain. The fibre also aids digestion and maintains digestive health. Beans also appear to have a blood sugar normalizing effect, and may be of benefit to diabetics. The zinc in this dal acts as an antioxidant and helps to protect against cancer and fatigue. They also abound in vitamin B1 which has a role to play in nerve functioning. Upon sprouting, they vitamins and minerals increase manifold.

Kokum : Kokum (Gracinia Indica) has been known as Grandma’s cure to acidity. The hydroxycitric acid – a compound found in kokum has been known to reduce cholesterol levels and suppress appetite, thus working towards controlling obesity and maintain a heathy heart. Kokum’s powerful component ‘garcinol’ carries the antioxidant properties. Try this kokum kadhi recipeResearch on kokum and diabetes is not clear, so best to try and avoid it. See the detailed benefits of kokum.

Onions (pyaz, kanda) :  Raw onions are a very valuable source of vitamin C – the immune building vitamin. Along with other phytonutrients from onions, it helps to build WBC (white blood cells) which serves as a line of defence against illness. Yes, it’s a source of many antioxidants, the most important one amongst them being Quercetin. The quercetin in Onions promotes production of HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers total cholesterol in the body. The sulphur in onions act as a blood thinner and prevents blood clotting too. This in turn would lower blood pressure and good for heart diabetics. Read the benefits of onions

Coriander (kothmir, dhania) : Coriander is a fresh herb often used as a flavour enhancer in Indian cooking. It is mainly used as a garnish. This is the best way to use it - no cooking. This preserves its vitamin C content which helps to build our immunity and bring that sparkle to the skin. The antioxidants vitamin Avitamin C and the quercetin present in coriander works towards strengthening our immune system. Coriander is a fairly good source of iron and folate – the 2 nutrient which help in the production and maintenance of red blood cells in our blood. Good for reducing cholesterol and good for diabetics. Read 9 benefits of coriander to understand details. 

What's the problem ?

Jaggery (Gur) : When compared to sugar, which provides only empty calories, jaggery is considered to be a superior natural sweetener. Sugar is definitely one of the causes of many chronic diseases, but jaggery too needs to be consumed in moderate amounts. What you would consume is just about a tbsp (18 g) or a tsp (6 g). While those with heart diseases and weight loss can have a dessert made with this quantity of jaggery occasionally as an option to refined sugar, but diabetics need to avoid this sweetener too as it can spike blood sugar levels instantly. Read is jaggery healthy for complete details.

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have Dalimbi Usal ?

Yes, they can. It is  good for heart and weight loss but conditions apply. No for diabetics.

What is the healthy accompaingment for Dalimbi Usal ?

We suggest a bajra roti, jowar rotiradish nachni roti recipe , basic ragi roti recipe, and whole wheat roti to make a healthy combination.

Bajra Roti

Bajra Roti

Dalimbi Usal is rich in below macronutrients, vitamins and minerals given in descending order (highest to lowest). 

  1. Phosphorus Phosphorus works closely with calcium to build bones. 49% of RDA.
  2. Fiber : Dietary fiber reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent the spike in blood sugar levels and hence super for diabetics. Consume more fruits, vegetables, moong, oats, matki, whole grains. 49% of RDA.
  3. Magnesium : Magnesium is required for formation of bones and teeth. It helps in the metabolism of calcium and potassium. % of RDA. magnesium rich Indian foods like leafy vegetables (palak, broccoli, kale), pulses ( rajma, chawli, moong ), nuts (walnuts, almonds) , cereals ( jowar, bajra, whole wheat flour, dalia). 42% of RDA.
  4. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) : Vitamin B1 protects nerves, helps in carbohydrate metabolism, prevents heart diseases and helps produce red blood cells. 40% of RDA.
  5. Protein : Protein is required for the managing the wear and tear of all cells of the body. Have protein rich Indian foods like paneer, curd, Greek yoghurt, tofu, almonds, sprouts, chana, rajma, chick peas, quinoa, buckwheat ). 30% of RDA.


How to burn 288 calories that come from one serving of Dalimbi Usal?

Walking (6 kmph) = 1 hr 26 mins

Running (11 kmph) = 29 mins

Cycling (30 kmph) = 38 mins       

Swimming (2 kmph) = 49 mins

Note: These values are approximate and calorie burning differs in each individual


Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy288 cal14%
Protein16.3 g30%
Carbohydrates48.3 g16%
Fiber12.3 g49%
Fat4.3 g7%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A137.7 mcg3%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.4 mg40%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.1 mg9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)1.3 mg11%
Vitamin C5.7 mg14%
Vitamin E0.5 mg3%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)2.9 mcg1%
Calcium59.9 mg10%
Iron2.1 mg10%
Magnesium147.9 mg42%
Phosphorus294.3 mg49%
Sodium13.6 mg1%
Potassium1140.5 mg24%
Zinc1.9 mg19%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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