Nutritional Facts of Carrot and Bean Sprouts Salad in Sesame Oil Dressing, Calories in Carrot and Bean Sprouts Salad in Sesame Oil Dressing

by Tarla Dalal
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How many calories does one serving of  Carrot and Bean Sprouts Salad in Sesame Oil Dressing have?

One  serving of Carrot and Bean Sprouts Salad in Sesame Oil Dressing (90 grams) gives 84 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 32 calories, proteins account for 8 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 45 calories.  One  serving of Carrot and Bean Sprouts Salad in Sesame Oil Dressing provides about 4.2 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Carrot and Bean Sprouts Salad in Sesame Oil Dressing serves 4.

84 calories for 1 serving of Carrot and Bean Sprouts salad in Sesame Oil Dressing, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 8.1g, Protein 2g, Fat 5.1g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Carrot and Bean Sprouts in Sesame Oil Dressing

See carrot bean sprouts salad in sesame oil dressing recipe |  bean sprouts carrots sesame salad |  healthy Asian carrot bean sprouts salad |

Carrot bean sprouts salad in sesame oil dressing  features a combination of veggies that is typical of Oriental cuisine, with loads of capsicum, carrots, bean sprouts and spring onions.

A zesty sesame oil based dressing with sesame seeds, lemon juice, garlic and soya sauce matches perfectly with these veggies, to give you a mind-blowing carrot bean sprouts salad.

With a brilliant mix of varied textures and flavours, Carrot and Bean Sprouts Salad in Sesame Oil Dressing packages a lot of excitement into a bowlful.

Accompany Carrot bean sprouts salad in sesame oil dressing with Chinese soups , stir fries and noodles to create an authentic mini meal.

Pro tips for Carrot bean sprouts salad in sesame oil dressing. 1. In a bowl put 1 cup carrot strips. Carrots add a touch of natural sweetness to the salad. This sweetness balances the savory flavors of the bean sprouts and the sesame oil dressing, creating a more well-rounded and enjoyable taste experience. 2. In a small bowl put 1 or 2 tbsp sesame (til) oil. Sesame oil also contributes a pleasant roasted sesame seed aroma to the dressing, making the salad even more appetizing. Sesame seeds and sesame oil are widely used in Asian cuisine, including dressings and condiments.

Is Carrot and Bean Sprouts Salad in Sesame Oil Dressing healthy? 


What's good.

Bean Sprouts Benefits :  Bean Sprouts are one of the most complete and nutritional of all the foods that exist. With lots of dietary fiber to their credit, bean sprouts add bulk to stools and make the passage of stools through the digestive tract easier. This helps to avoid constipation. With significant amounts of iron, bean sprouts help to maintain the red blood cell (RBC) count. A good RBC count means no sign of anaemia. Bean sprouts are a boon for heart patients. They help maintain cholesterol levels and good for   diabetics. See detailed benefits of bean sprouts in bean sprouts glossary

Carrots (gajjar) : Carrots have the nutrient Beta Carotene which is a form of Vitamin A, helps prevent deterioration of the eye as one gets older and prevents night blindness. Carrot is great for the eyes.They relieve constipation, lower blood pressure, have fibre and lower cholesterol. Read the 11 super benefiits of carrots and why to include them in your daily diet.

Capsicum (Bell Peppers, red, green and yellow capsicum) : Rich in vitamin C, protects and maintains the lining of the heart. Low glycemic index (40) colourful capsicum are immune boosters. Colourful capsicums (red, green and yellow capsicum) are not only visually appealing but also good for your eyes too, as they contain antioxidant Lutein, which protects the eye from cataracts and degeneration of the eye. Capsicum is high in Folate or folic acid, which is important for rapid growth and multiplication of red blood cells and white blood cells in the bone marrow. See detailed benefits of capsicum

Sesame Seeds, black and white (Til) : These tiny white seeds are indeed a good source of protein. Half of the daily requirement of calcium is fulfilled by consuming ½ cup of sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are a storehouse of ironfolic acid and help to prevent iron deficiency  anaemia and boost your energy. The lignans, a type of polyphenol, present in seed does wonders to naturally reduce cholesterol levels. See detailed benefits of sesame seeds.  

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have Carrot and Bean Sprouts Salad in Sesame Oil Dressing?

Yes. Bean Sprouts are one of the most complete and nutritional of all the foods that exist. With lots of dietary fiber to their credit, bean sprouts add bulk to stools and make the passage of stools through the digestive tract easier. This helps to avoid constipation. With significant amounts of iron, bean sprouts help to maintain the red blood cell (RBC) count. A good RBC count means no sign of anaemia.


Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy84 cal4%
Protein2 g4%
Carbohydrates8.1 g3%
Fiber3.1 g12%
Fat5.1 g8%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A790.6 mcg16%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.2 mg20%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.1 mg9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.5 mg4%
Vitamin C47 mg118%
Vitamin E0.2 mg1%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)25.2 mcg13%
Calcium63.7 mg11%
Iron1.1 mg5%
Magnesium24.3 mg7%
Phosphorus209 mg35%
Sodium100.1 mg5%
Potassium161.2 mg3%
Zinc0.6 mg6%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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