Nutritional Facts of Boiled Onion Paste, Calories in Boiled Onion Paste

by Tarla Dalal
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How many calories does one tablespoon of Onion Paste have?

One  tablespoon ( 15 grams)  of Onion Paste gives 8 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 7 calories, proteins account for 1 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 0 calories.  One  tablespoon of Onion Paste  provides about 1/2 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Onon Paste recipe makes 8 tablespoons.

8 calories for 1 tablespoon of  Onion Paste, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 1.8g, Protein 0.2g, Fat 0g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Onion Paste.

See boiled onion paste recipe | Indian onion paste recipe | quick onion paste recipe | with 11 amazing images. 

Onion Paste is two types one is Boiled Onion Pasteand the second one is Brown Onion paste. Onion is the primary ingredient to the Boiled Onion Paste. It originates from Mughlai cuisine and now is used all over India.

Onion is known to impart pungency to Indian dishes, and is added in many forms, sometimes cubed, sometimes sliced and sometimes even as a paste to Indian Sabzis

Easy to make, Onion Paste is used to make the popular Basic White gravy recipe which is prominent in North Indian cuisine. 

In addition, Boiled Onion Paste is used in any and every Indian gravy dish which is white in colour which gives flavour, texture and creaminess to the gravies. 

Notes on Boiled Onion Paste. 1. For making the Boiled onion paste, take 3 medium sized onions and peel them. You can use any variety of onions - red or white. You can either roughly chop them into cubes or make two 1-inch deep cuts perpendicular to each other with the help of a knife.

My personal favourite recipe using Boiled Onion Paste is Methi Mutter Malai

Is Onion Paste healthy?


Let's understand the ingredients.

What's good.

Onion benefits 

Antioxidant Benefit : Yes, onions are a source of many antioxidants, the most important one amongst them being Quercetin. This antioxidant exhibits anti-inflammatory properties to ward off the free radicals which would otherwise harm our healthy body cells. This in turn prevents the onset of various chronic diseases like cancerheart diseases etc. 

Immunity Enhancer : Raw onions are a very valuable source of vitamin C – the immune building vitamin. Along with other phytonutrients from onions, it helps to build WBC (white blood cells) which serves as a line of defense against illness.  

Lower Cholesterol : Raw onions are said to be one of the best friend of your heart. It’s again the quercetin which promotes production of HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers total cholesterol in the body. This helps you to maintain arteries which are free of clogging. 

Regulate Blood Pressure : The sulfur in onions act as a blood thinner and prevents blood clotting too. This in turn would lower blood pressure and reduce the chances of heart attack. 

Manage Diabetes : Specific sulphur compounds and quercetin present in onion are known to enhance the insulin effect and thus help control blood sugar levels. Moreover, its glycemic index is also as low as 10, which makes it a super healthy addition to diabetic menu. Half serving of Toovar Dal with Onions is a wise choice for diabetics. Made with onion, wheat flour and basic spices it can be mad ein minutes. Ensure you do not use excess oil for cooking. 

Benefits of Cloves, laung, lavang : India's traditional Ayurvedic healers since ancient times cloves as a whole have been used to treat digestive ailments and its oil for toothache. In either form its active compound ‘eugenol’ is the main highlight which has been shown to act as an antioxidant. It has the ability to kill microorganismss like the bacteria and help overcome cold and cough. When boiled with water and gargled, cloves are a good antibacterial mouthwash, which can help to combat bad breath and relieve a sore throat. Clove Tea is known to be one of the most common home remedies to relieve congestion. Clove oil applied on the head is known to relieve headache in some people. A few drops of clove oil applied on acne may help to treat it.


Benefits of Cinnamon, dalchini, cinnamon powder : Cinnamon with its antioxidant power has the ability to reduce inflammation in the body and thus reduce the risk of various chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. Cinnamon since ages has been known to be beneficial for diabetics. Diabetes is a disease which occurs due to insulin resistance. Intake of cinnamon is said to reduce this resistance and instead improve insulin sensitivity in cells thereby helping to maintain normal blood sugar levels. cinnamon helps to reduce the blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and thus prevents clot formation. See here for  detailed benefits of cinnamon.

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have Onion Paste?

Yes. Specific sulphur compounds and quercetin present in onion are known to enhance the insulin effect and thus help control blood sugar levels. Moreover, its glycemic index is also as low as 10, which makes it a super healthy addition to diabetic menu.

Can healthy individuals have Onion Paste?



Value per tablespoon% Daily Values
Energy8 cal0%
Protein0.2 g0%
Carbohydrates1.8 g1%
Fiber0.1 g0%
Fat0 g0%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A0.1 mcg0%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0 mg0%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.1 mg1%
Vitamin C1.8 mg4%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)1 mcg0%
Calcium7.7 mg1%
Iron0.1 mg0%
Magnesium2.6 mg1%
Phosphorus8.2 mg1%
Sodium0.7 mg0%
Potassium21 mg0%
Zinc0.1 mg1%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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