Nutritional Facts of Bhavnagri Mirchi, Gujarati Bhavnagri Chilli Pickle, Calories in Bhavnagri Mirchi, Gujarati Bhavnagri Chilli Pickle

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 3410 times



How many calories does one serving of Bhavnagri Mirchi, Gujarati Bhavnagri Chilli Pickle have?

One serving of Bhavnagri Mirchi, Gujarati Bhavnagri Chilli Pickle gives 9 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 0 calories, proteins account for 0 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 9 calories. One serving of Bhavnagri Mirchi, Gujarati Bhavnagri Chilli Pickle provides about 0 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

See bhavnagri mirchi recipe | fresh bhavnagri chillies pickle Indian style | Gujarati bhavnagri chilli pickle | healthy bhavnagri mirchi ka achar | with 9 amazing images.

bhavnagri mirchi recipe is a classic instant pickle which is not very spicy and easy to make. Learn how to make fresh bhavnagri chillies pickle Indian style. 

To make bhavnagri mirchi, heat the oil in a non-stick pan, add asafoetida, bhavnagri chillies, turmeric powder, black salt and salt and mix well. Cook on a slow flame for 1-2 minutes, while stirring once in between. Add coriander seeds powder and mix well and cook on a slow flame for another minute. Serve hot.

This Gujarati bhavnagri chilli pickle made with easily available ingredients takes only 5 minutes to make. You are sure to enjoy its crisp texture minus too much spice. They are typically served as a part of a Gujarati meal with purisKadhirasawala bateta nu shaak and rice. You can also serve it with plain parathaor masala paratha.

Parathas, Plain Paratha, Basic Paratha Recipe

Parathas, Plain Paratha, Basic Paratha Recipe

All the spices like asafoetida, turmeric powder, black salt and coriander seeds powder together enhance the taste and flavour of this fresh bhavnagri chillies pickle Indian style. A variation to this pickle is stuff the bhavnagri chillies with a mixture of amchur powder, black pepper powder salt and deep fry them. 

This healthy Bhavnagri mirchi ka achar is a healthier than most other pickles as it makes use of very little oil and salt. You can opt for this achar and be assured of controlled calorie and fat intake. Rich in vitamin C ,  bhavnagri chillies protect and maintain the lining of the heart. Low on the glycemic index (40) colourful capsicum are immune boosters. With 9 calories per tbsp per ¼ cup, this pickle can be a part of your healthy menu. 

Tips for bhavnagri mirchi. 1. While buying fresh bhavnagri chillies look for crisp unwrinkled mirchi. Make sure they are bright green coloured and unbroken. 2. Use a broad non-stick pan so cooking is uniform and quick. 3. Remember to cook on a slow flame, so the chillies do not burn. 

Is Bhavnagri Mirchi, Gujarati Bhavnagri Chilli Pickle healthy?

Yes, this is healthy. But restrictions apply to some.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

Hing (Asafoetida) : The active compound 'coumarin' helps in managing blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Asafoetida is known to have anti-bacterial properties, which helps to keep asthma at bay. Asafoetida is an age-old remedy for bloating and other stomach problems like flatulence. The best solution is to gulp down little hing with water or dissolve it in water and sip it. It can also be used along with curd or almond oil as a hair mask. It helps to prevent dryness of hair and smoothen as well as strengthen hair.

Turmeric Powder (Haldi) : Turmeric helps in digestion of food thus helping to overcome indigestion. Haldi may help in reducing the growth of fat cells in the body. Turmeric, being rich in iron, is highly valuable in the treatment of anaemia and both the root as well as the powder should be a regular part of an anaemic diet. One of the health benefits of turmeric is it’s anti-inflammatory property due to the active compound, Curcumin, which helps to relieve inflammation of the joints and thus is a ladder to relieve pain related to arthritis. The curcumin in haldi also helps to ward of the bacteria’s causing cold, cough and throat irritation.  Turmeric benefits in diabetes management by lowering blood glucose levels. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are useful in the treatment of diabetes patients.  It is known to be a good brain food and keep diseases like Alzheimer’s at bay. See here for detailed turmeric benefits.

Black Salt : Since the sodium level in black salt is less as compared to table salt, it is prescribed to patients with high blood pressure or those on low salt diets. It is also known for comforting intestinal gas trouble. Black salt is considered as a cooling spice in Ayurveda, and thus helps treat heartburn. It is used as a laxative and digestive aid.

What's the problem.

Vegetable Oils : To some vegetable oil is only soyabean oil, while some promote it as a mix of oils like soyabean, canola, sunflower, corn and other omega-6 rich oils. These are often cheaper options than many oils, but they are highly processed oils. They are undoubtedly not to be reached out for, whether you are looking for salad dressings, sautéing or cooking.  The 5 best oils used in cooking are olive oil (low temperature short time cooking), avocado oilcanola oilcoconut oil and peanut oil. You must read the super article to find the facts of  which oil is the healthiest avoid vegetable oil

Note : 1 cup = 200 ml (standard cup available in the market). The weight in grams varies for each ingredient.

Can diabetics, heart patients and overweight individuals have Bhavnagri Mirchi, Gujarati Bhavnagri Chilli Pickle?

Yes. This healthy Bhavnagri mirchi ka achar is a healthier than most other pickles as it makes use of very little oil and salt. You can opt for this achar and be assured of controlled calorie and fat intake. Rich in vitamin C ,  bhavnagri chillies protect and maintain the lining of the heart. Low on the glycemic index (40) colourful capsicum are immune boosters. With 9 calories per tbsp per ¼ cup, this pickle can be a part of your healthy menu. 

Can healthy individuals have Bhavnagri Mirchi, Gujarati Bhavnagri Chilli Pickle?


How to burn 9 calories that come from Bhavnagri Mirchi, Gujarati Bhavnagri Chilli Pickle?

Walking (6 kmph) = 3 mins
Running (11 kmph) = 1 mins
Cycling (30 kmph) = 1 mins
Swimming (2 kmph) = 2 mins

Note: These values are approximate and calorie burning differs in each individual.

Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy9 cal0%
Protein0 g0%
Carbohydrates0 g0%
Fiber0 g0%
Fat1 g2%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A9 mcg0%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0 mg0%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0 mg0%
Vitamin C0 mg0%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)0 mcg0%
Calcium0 mg0%
Iron0 mg0%
Magnesium0 mg0%
Phosphorus0 mg0%
Sodium0 mg0%
Potassium0 mg0%
Zinc0 mg0%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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