Nutritional Facts of Baked Potato Wedges, Calories in Baked Potato Wedges

by Tarla Dalal
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Raksha - Bandhan

Occasion & Party

How many calories does one serving of Baked Potato Wedges have?

One  serving (100 grams) of Baked Potato Wedges gives 250 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 164 calories, proteins account for 12 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 76.5 calories.  One  serving of  Baked Potato Wedges provides about 12.5 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Baked Potato Wedges recipe serves 4. Makes 400 grams which is 100 grams per serving.

250 calories for 1 serving of Baked Potato Wedges, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 40.7g, Protein 3.1g, Fat 8.5g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Baked Potato Wedges.

See baked potato wedges recipe | Indian style baked potato wedges | crispy garlicky baked potato wedges |

baked potato wedges recipe are a simple yet delightful dish that serves as a versatile alternative to traditional fried potatoes. Learn how to make baked potato wedges recipe | Indian style baked potato wedges | crispy garlicky baked potato wedges |

This Indian style baked potato wedges transforms humble potatoes into crispy, seasoned wedges that are perfect as a snack, appetizer, or a tasty side dish.

This crispy garlicky baked potato wedges recipe is not only easy to make but also customizable, allowing you to experiment with various seasonings to suit your taste preferences.

Whether enjoyed as a snack or served as a side dish, baked potato wedges are a crowd-pleaser that adds a delicious twist.

pro tips to make baked potato wedges: 1. Line a baking tray with parchment paper to prevent from burning and sticking. 2. You can also try making this recipe using sweet potatoes. 3. Instead of finely chopped garlic you can use garlic powder.


Is Baked potato wedges healthy ?

Yes for some and no for others.

Let's understand the ingredients.

What's good.

Olive Oil, Extra Virgin Olive oil : Olive oil is a strong antioxidant and good for heart. Also it has anti inflammation properties. This is one of the healthiest oil you can opt for. It has around 77% of MUFA. Olive oil, especially the extra virgin olive oil, is unrefined oil in its natural state and free of chemicals. Moreover, olive oil also possesses polyphenols – a type of antioxidant which protects body cells and maintains heart health as well. Popular in Mediterranean cooking, this oil works best for salad dressings or quick sautéing recipes. They cannot be used for prolonged cooking at high temperatures. Note that it's fat at the end of the day so don't consume too much. Read the super article of  which oil is the healthiest, avoid vegetable oil

Butter : Butter contains 80% fats and it comprises of many types of fatty acids. Butter has short chain fatty acids and medium chain fatty acids which are broken down and absorbed into the body directly and go straight to the liver and get converted to fuel to be used by the muscles. Due to this anti-inflammatory effect, it is said to have a positive effect in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Recent research shows that small amounts of butter has positive effects on heart health. So diabetics too can have a small quantity of butter and balance it with other types of fats they consume. A tbsp. of butter fulfils 8% of your day's requirement of vitamin A. This Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant which is essential for glowing skin health and immune function. We suggest you read about butter the super food

Garlic : Garlic has been proven to lower cholesterol. The active ingredient allicin present in garlic aids in lowering blood pressure. Garlic is also alleged to help regulate blood glucose levels for diabetics. Garlic is great for the heart and circulatory system. Garlic has an antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal function and can help in relieving common cold and other viral infections. To boost your immune system, have a garlic clove a day. Garlic is a top anti-viral food. The thiosulphate compound, Allicin, found in garlic acts as a strong antioxidant and protects our body from damage of free radicals.  Read here for complete benefits of garlic

What's the problem? 

Potatoes (Aloo) : Potatoes being high in simple carbohydrates which can lead to weight gain and are not good for people with diabetes and obesity. Potatoes are recommended for malnourished children and people with low weight. See full details on why potatoes are bad for you.  

Cornflour ( Cornstarch) ProsCornflour is easy to digest because of the presence of insoluble fiber, thus benefits the gut. It’s gluten-free and can be consumed by those who cannot afford to have wheat. Cons. Cornflour is full of calories and carbs like refined sugar, thus a barrier to weight reduction. Those on weight loss diet must definitely not reach out for it. The high carbs makes it a No-No for a diabetic meal and restricted for heart patients. Read for more details is cornflour healthy

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have Baked Potato Wedges?

No, this recipe is very high in calories. Potatoes being high in simple carbohydrates which can lead to weight gain and are not good for people with diabetes and obesity. Potatoes are recommended for malnourished children and people with low weight.

Can healthy individuals have Baked Potato Wedges?

Yes, but balance your meal with some healthy protein and carbs.

Value per serving% Daily Values
Energy250 cal12%
Protein3.1 g6%
Carbohydrates40.7 g14%
Fiber3.3 g13%
Fat8.5 g13%
Cholesterol13.8 mg3%
Vitamin A225.3 mcg5%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.2 mg20%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.1 mg9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)2.4 mg20%
Vitamin C29.2 mg73%
Vitamin E0.7 mg5%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)39.6 mcg20%
Calcium23.4 mg4%
Iron1.2 mg6%
Magnesium54.7 mg16%
Phosphorus78.7 mg13%
Sodium64.4 mg3%
Potassium432.3 mg9%
Zinc1 mg10%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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